Industry Resources
This is a short compilation of resources to help guide float center owners, potential owners, enthusiasts, and researchers to existing resources beyond the Float Conference.

Media and More

Float Tank Association
The FTA’s mission is to serve the world-wide floating community by promoting the profound benefits of floating, increasing the use of floatation tanks, and encouraging the growth of the floating industry.
They establish standards and best practices that assure a safe, consistent and effective experience for the floating public and guide the floating community toward a bright and prosperous future.

Float Conference Presentations
Looking for past research and business talks that have been presented at the Float Conference? Videos from all the past events are available for viewing for free!
Watch them here, and subscribe to our YouTube channel to be notified when new videos are released!

Art of the Float Podcast
The Art of the Float Podcast is a great resource for anyone in the float industry. While they no longer record weekly, they have a huge library of episodes about different topics related to running a float center, with a focus on the practical information that can be helpful to you. Listen to all their episodes here!

Daily Solutions Podcast
The Daily Solutions Podcast is brought to you by Graham and Ashkahn, the founders of Float Tank Solutions, Float On, and the Float Conference. They released an episode every day for a year, answering a different question sent in from the industry on each episode. It’s a great place to get satisfying solutions to your salty situations (they made us write that here).

Float Industry Report
Each year Float Tank Solutions puts out a survey for existing and prospective float centers. They aggregate the data and put out an industry report, creating some of the only stats that are available on the float industry.
Click here to download current and past State of the Float Industry Reports

Float Research Collective / Clinical Floatation
The Float Research Collective is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that aims to establish Floatation-REST as an accepted treatment that can be reimbursed by insurance providers and prescribed by doctors and healthcare professionals, raise funds for the continuation of clinical float research, and serve as an educational resource for the float industry and an essential nexus for the dissemination of Floatation-REST across the world.​

Floatation Locations
Floatation Locations provides an up-to-date, International, directory of float tank therapy locations. Their robust directory can help anyone find a float center near them, and get great deals while they’re at it!
In addition to the directory of float centers, Floatation Locations also shares articles and blogs on the benefits of floating. Plus, they have an extensive list of ambassadors of the float industry.

Float Tank Solutions
Float Tank Solutions contains resources for float center owners (new and aspiring). They have an active blog, a host of free resources, and a number of products and training programs, including a full guide to construction, a customizable business plan, and a 3-day in person training course. They are also hosting the Start a Center Workshop and the PHTA Certified Pool &Spa Operator training at the Conference.

Float Collective
The Float Collective is primarily a Facebook Community for float center owners, float center operators, and up and coming Floatrepeneurs. The Facebook Group is a great place to go when you have questions about, well pretty much anything that comes up when operating a center: Types of flooring or wall covering that resist salt deterioration, best practices on dealing with difficult customers, software to use, etc.
Join the Float Collective to be a part of a community of float people experiencing the same joys and challenges you have in your center.

Mindfull Solutions
Mindfull Solutions hosts periodic free live videos and shares tips for marketing your float center. You'll find social media news and tidbits, how to connect with your customers, what to consider when designing marketing materials, ways to improve your website, and more.

Why We Float
The Why We Float community is a Facebook Group dedicated to float enthusiasts across the globe. It's a place for anyone, anywhere to share their float stories and lend support to others who enjoy float therapy.

Find a Float Center Map
This Google map is float community-created way to find float center locations across the globe. It can be shared or embedded in your website as you please. Click here to add, update, or remove a listing.